[文物介紹] 守密人、時光器


守密人 Secret Keeper

New from J.K. Rowling

The Fidelius Charm is extremely ancient and still used to this day. It involves the concealment of information inside a living person. The chosen person, or Secret Keeper, is the only person who is thenceforth capable of revealing the protected information to others, however many previously knew it. If the Secret Keeper shares the hidden information, the person to whom he or she has confided it will be bound by the Fidelius Charm and find it impossible to pass the information on.

忠實咒(Fidelius Charm)極為古老而使用迄今,它牽涉著隱蔽在活人裡的訊息。被選中的人,或稱「守密人」,是唯一能向他人揭露被保護的消息的人,不論在此之前有多少人已經知道這則訊息。若守密人將隱藏的信息分享出去,被告知者也會受忠實咒的束縛,難以將這份訊息再傳遞下去。

The Fidelius Charm is not without its weaknesses. If the Secret Keeper wishes to do so, they may divulge the information at any time (although the secret cannot be forced, bewitched or tortured out of a Secret Keeper who does not wish to give up their secret; it must be given voluntarily). If the Secret Keeper dies, anyone to whom he or she has confided the information will become a Secret Keeper. This could involve many people, any of whom might be more willing to share the secret.


Generally speaking, being a Secret Keeper is a dangerous position to occupy. It is such a serious and binding enchantment that few would undertake it lightly. In spite of the fact that the secret can only be given up voluntarily, many have been subjected to the Imperius and Cruciatus Curses in an effort to make them share their information.



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嗜字狂安琦拉 @Musicy_


時光器 Time-Turner

New from J.K. Rowling

In spite of the many Muggle fantasies around the subject, time travel is possible in only a limited sense even in the magical world. While the subject is shrouded in great secrecy - investigations are ongoing in the Department of Mysteries – it appears that magic can take you only so far.


According to Professor Saul Croaker, who has spent his entire career in the Department of Mysteries studying time-magic:

職業生涯都在神秘部門研究時光魔法的Saul Croaker*教授表示:

‘As our investigations currently stand, the longest period that may be relived without the possibility of serious harm to the traveller or to time itself is around five hours. We have been able to encase single Hour-Reversal Charms, which are unstable and benefit from containment, in small, enchanted hour-glasses that may be worn around a witch or wizard’s neck and revolved according to the number of hours the user wishes to relive.

「就我們目前調查到的,要讓穿越的人和時空本身都不會嚴重損害的話,可以重回過去最長時間在五小時左右。我們有辦法把時光倒流咒(Hour-Reversal Charms)--不穩定,而且加以遏制反而更會激化它--包裝在小巧且施過魔法的沙漏中,女巫或巫師可以配帶在脖子上,並根據他們希望重新度過的鐘頭數去翻轉。

‘All attempts to travel back further than a few hours have resulted in catastrophic harm to the witch or wizard involved. It was not realised for many years why time travellers over great distances never survived their journeys. All such experiments have been abandoned since 1899, when Eloise Mintumble became trapped, for a period of five days, in the year 1402. Now we understand that her body had aged five centuries in its return to the present and, irreparably damaged, she died in St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries shortly after we managed to retrieve her. What is more, her five days in the distant past caused great disturbance to the life paths of all those she met, changing the course of their lives so dramatically that no fewer than twenty-five of their descendants vanished in the present, having been “un-born”.

「所有曾希望能回到超過那些時數的女巫或巫師都受到了災難性的傷害。多年來,人們無法理解為什麼穿越到遙遠時空的人都沒從他們的旅程中存活下來。1899年時,Eloise Mintumble回到1402年,並困在那五天。現在我們明白當她回到現代時,她的身體老了五個世紀,因為這無法修復,即使我們試圖拯救,她仍很快就在聖蒙果魔法疾病與傷害醫院去世。不只如此,她那五天的停留嚴重擾動所有她遇到的人,劇烈地改變了他們的人生:至少有二十五位那些人的後裔從現在的時空消失,他們被『未出生』了。從此之後,所有人都放棄時空旅行的實驗。

‘Finally, there were alarming signs, during the days following Madam Mintumble’s recovery, that time itself had been disturbed by such a serious breach of its laws. Tuesday following her reappearance lasted two and a half full days, whereas Thursday shot by in the space of four hours. The Ministry of Magic had a great deal of trouble in covering this up and since that time, the most stringent laws and penalties have been placed around those studying time travel.’


Even the use of the very limited amount of Time-Turners at the Ministry’s disposal is hedged around with hundreds of laws. While not as potentially dangerous as skipping five centuries, the re-use of a single hour can still have dramatic consequences and the Ministry of Magic seeks the strictest guarantees if it permits the use of these rare and powerful objects. It would surprise most of the magical community to know that Time-Turners are generally only used to solve the most trivial problems of time-management and never for greater or more important purposes, because, as Saul Croaker tells us, ‘just as the human mind cannot comprehend time, so it cannot comprehend the damage that will ensue if we presume to tamper with its laws.’

即使魔法部允准使用現已為數極少的時光器,也有上百條法規要遵守。雖然隱藏的危害並不如跨越五個世紀那般嚴重,即使只有回去一個鐘頭也能造成重大的後果,而魔法部在准許使用這類稀有又法力強大的物品時都會徵求最嚴謹的保證。如果知道時光器通常只是拿來解決時間控管這種瑣碎的問題而非更重大或更重要的用途,大部分的魔法社群會感到吃驚。因為,正如Saul Croaker教授所言,「就像人類的心智無法領略時間一樣,人類亦無法理解擅自玩弄時間規律會隨之而來的傷害。」

The Ministry’s entire stock of Time-Turners was destroyed during a fight in the Department of Mysteries about three years after Hermione Granger was granted permission to use one at Hogwarts.


嗜字狂安琦拉 @Musicy_


J.K. Rowling's thoughts

I went far too light-heartedly into the subject of time travel in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. While I do not regret it (Prisoner of Azkaban is one of my favourite books in the series), it opened up a vast number of problems for me, because after all, if wizards could go back and undo problems, where were my future plots?


I solved the problem to my own satisfaction in stages. Firstly, I had Dumbledore and Hermione emphasise how dangerous it would be to be seen in the past, to remind the reader that there might be unforeseen and dangerous consequences as well as solutions in time travel. Secondly, I had Hermione give back the only Time-Turner ever to enter Hogwarts. Thirdly, I smashed all remaining Time-Turners during the battle in the Department of Mysteries, removing the possibility of reliving even short periods in the future.


This is just one example of the ways in which, when writing fantasy novels, one must be careful what one invents. For every benefit, there is usually a drawback.





義大利金霜 @lovebooks60429

謝謝安琦拉的分享與翻譯~~讓我這個英文白癡不用看著Potter More苦惱著這到底是什麼意思~~

艾琳 @micky4231

我想借安琦拉的翻譯來當樣本 可以嗎?
謝謝你的翻譯 ^^

嗜字狂安琦拉 @Musicy_

For 金霜

For 艾琳

混血王子 @Nathen2014

根據職業生涯都在神秘部門研究關於時光魔法的Saul Croaker*教授表示:
「就我們目前調查所主張的,在不會嚴重受傷的情況下,不論對於穿越時空的人或時間本身,最長時間在五小時左右。我們有辦法把鐘點翻轉咒(Hour-Reversal Charms)--沒有穩定性又難以遏制--包裝在小型且施過魔法的沙漏中,可以被配帶在女巫或巫師的脖子上,並根據他們希望重新度過的鐘頭數去翻轉。


瑞琪兒 @fish231618


